Alexander J Oberlender

Why Never Forget Does Apply to Donald Trump

Alexander J. Oberlender • Mar 08, 2016

Never Forget.

That is the major takeaway of the Holocaust that we are taught growing up.  But, it would seem that to some Never Forget should only apply to Jews.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach recently wrote that “The disgusting, vile comparisons of Donald Trump to Hitler are an affront to decency, the Jewish community, the victims of the Holocaust and to Trump himself.”  I respect his opinion but disagree with his conclusion.  He opines in the same article about how Trump’s daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism and is observant and he never stopped her.  That’s all well and good but, it doesn’t change the underlying issue that we as people should never forget those atrocities, and should be wary of anyone who espouses hate in similar ways.   Hitler wasn’t always seen as a threat, as displayed in an early New York Times profile of his ascent.  From just one profile, we see Hitler (and his admirers)  beat up Socialist and Communist protesters, we hear that he “personally conducts patriotic revival meetings”, and “that Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded.”  Needless to say, we know what ended up happening after he gained power.  Why should this matter in an American political race?  Donald uses much of that same inflammatory speech, although he trades out Jews for Muslims.  Let’s not forget that, albeit the majority, Jews weren’t the only ones killed in the Holocaust.  It started with vitriolic anti-semitism and extended from there to the master race idea.  By removing the scourge of society, he would take Germany back to her former greatness.  

Now let’s fast forward to 2016.  Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again!  When was America great? And why are we not now?  That sounds more like straight propaganda.  Yes, all candidates use propaganda, so alone that’s no big deal but let’s delve further.  Recently he’s been having attendants at his rallies raise their right hand and pledge allegiance to him.  This is getting scarier.  At the Republican Debate in Detroit, Trump was asked what he would do if the military didn’t obey his illegal orders?   His response was “If I say do it, they’re gonna do it, that’s what leadership is all about.” No that’s illegal and starting down a dangerous rabbit hole.  People like to say that Trump’s talking points about Mexicans and Muslims is just a way of attracting more voters, but how is that different than what Hitler was doing?  So yes, the parallels are deserved.  No, he’s not Holocaust Hitler but, he is definitely similar to Rise to Power Hitler.  And that, my friends, is the scary thing.  As a Jew, I feel it’s my moral obligation to, not just look after my own people but, also voice opposition in defense of others.  That is how we truly honor the memory of those lost in the Holocaust.

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